Wednesday, November 15, 2006

God-des and She

One of the things I like about being on a college campus are all the various FREE events constantly taking place. (Well, okay, so they're only free in the sense that whoever shows up for the event doesn't need to pay to attend, since we've all already paid through student fees...)

In any case, God-des and She descended upon College Park and the University of Maryland last night.

To be honest, I hadn't heard of God-des and She until I received a facebook invite to last night's event a couple of weeks ago. But then coincidence had it that my netflix queue brought me season 3 of the L-word just last week, which features God-des and She in the finale episode, singing their song "Lick It" at Shane's bachelor party.

If you haven't heard "Lick It," it's definitely worth checking out on iTunes. It's not at all the same style as Melissa Ferrick's "Drive," but I think just like "Drive" was for Ferrick, "Like It" will be an anthem for fans for a long time to come (pun intended).

Aside from the sex-positive queer lyrics of "Lick It" though, I really enjoyed God-des and She overall. They had great stage presence, and put on a good show (despite the small crowd that had gathered). I especially liked their mix of political songs--talking about horizontal hostility and how queers keep one another down--funny songs--complete with upbeat tempos, hilarious lyrics ("I Hate Your Ex-Girlfriend"), and crowd participation--and love songs.

Oh, and then there's the added bonus that God-des is just handsome, and She's voice is so beautiful that it made me want to cry...

Definitely not a bad way to spend a Tuesday night.

Check 'em out for yourself:

God-des and She homepage
God-des and She on myspace


At 8:02 PM, Blogger Julie R. Enszer said...

HOLY MOLY!!!! This is the greatest find ever. I LOVE GOD-DES AND SHE! THANK YOU for turning me on to them. I have been looking for a lesbian rapper - and to find a lesbian Jewish rapper from the midwest to boot. . . .I am verklempt, I tell you, verklempt.


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