Thursday, July 05, 2007

Love as an action

Ran across this the other day on my Starbucks cup...
What would you do for someone you love?
Would you lie, cheat, steal?
Break the law and call it justice?
Would you say yes? Scream no?
Would you kill? Would you give up your own life?
Would you move mountains, swallow fire, keep a promise?
Would you change the world?
Would you change yourself?
What would you do for someone you love?

- Jodi Picoult
The Way I See It #214

One of the things that strikes me about this quotation is the way in which it explicitly posits love as an action.

Admittedly, in my past, I have measured my love (or lack thereof) for a person according to things I would (or would not) do for that person.

What I've done for love:

Slept less
Shared secrets
Gotten drunk
Driven more
Flown thousands of miles
Said yes
Gotten tattooed
Spent thousands of hours on the phone
Eaten less
Kept secrets
Stayed sober
Written long emails
Said no
Told the truth

But I wonder...what ever happend to love being a feeling?

(Or, is it that feelings and actions are not as separate as they might seem to be?)


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