Dr. Michael Brownstein Talks Top Surgery
Can't remember how long ago I came across this youtube.com video where Dr. Michael Brownstein Talks Top Surgery, but figured this would be as good a time as any to share it.
One thing in particular that I liked about this video is that Brownstein talks about how some bigger-chested guys often wait until AFTER top surgery to start testosterone hormone treatment because of the potential dissonance between being big-chested and the secondary sex characteristics that testosterone often entails (e.g., deepening voice, facial hair, fat re-distribution, etc.).
I don't know how many people know/think about this...especially since I seem to be running into lots of folks who can understand someone waiting for surgery because of the high cost, but are less understanding of why that same person might also wait to begin hormone therapy.
I've seen a couple of guys who had Brownstein do their double incision/bilateral mastectomy with nipple-areola reconstruction, and I was pretty impressed with how faint their scars were. They did, however, have "dog-ears."
I've seen a couple of other guys who had Dr. Beverly Fischer do their chests, and while I didn't see any "dog-ears," on them, their scars did seem a bit more evident.
What I haven't seen yet (I hope, because I haven't really looked all that hard) are the surgery/scarring results of trans guys of color. As far as I know people of color more often experience keloids than non-POCs, and generally have skin that heals distinctly than what is thought of as "normal," but is really what is typical for white-skinned people.
When it comes to tattoos, I know that my skin reacts differently than others, and I can't imagine that the same wouldn't be true for surgery. (Anybody know?)
Of course, there are a lot more surgeons than just Brownstein and Fischer, but I think I'm drawn to these two because Brownstein is in San Francisco (where I'm from), and Fischer is in Maryland (really close to where I am).
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