Blood & Procrastination
I really wish I knew what procrastination was about, well, at least what my procrastination. I'll be leaving in less than 24 hours, and will be gone for 3 weeks, and despite all that I have to do before I go, I'm still procrastinating...
Part of me just feels tired and unfocused, and seeing as how my main task is to grade, I don't quite feel up to the task. Really, I'd like to sleep (even though I've already slept a couple of hours earlier; then again, if I'm so sleepy, that must mean I need the rest, right?). I should just stop forcing myself to be awake and just go back to sleep. I'm confident that I'd be much more productive then than I am now (I certainly couldn't get any less productive).
I've started my laundry, at least. And, I have just finished dinner, so I have been doing *some* things, just not *the* things that seem most pressing. But, I guess before a long trip, everything that you need to get everything done/put in order before you go all are equally pressing.
Then again, maybe I'm just a little sluggish from giving blood earlier today, coupled with my as of late, erratic sleeping pattern (or rather, lack of one). I've had plenty of food since then, but perhaps I need to work on my intake of fluids a bit more.
Today makes my 3rd donation attempt this year, but only the 2nd pint of whole blood I've been successful in giving. I don't really know what it is that compels me to give...part of it is definitely from running my high school's blood drive as part of my club's service activities. Part of it is because the most it costs me to give is a couple of hours. Besides, usually I'm too newly pierced and/or tattooed to be eligible to give. Hmmm...I guess if I'm not getting needle action one way, I find another!
I think, too, that I get a kick out of being a minority in the process--mainly because I like to be visible to the volunteers and other donors so that they know that the face of potential donors includes a wide range of people. Also, I had long ago signed up to be on the National Bone Marrow Donor's list, and giving blood feels closely related. Definitely the two aren't the same. Matching marrow is tougher, and usually race/ethnic specific, and so there's an especially high need to get a racially diverse mix of potential donors. Still, blood seems to be used more often. While I haven't yet ever need someone else's blood, or known anyone who has, I guess giving is a small way to pay it forward.
I'm still ambivalent about the sexist, racist, classist, homophobic aspects of it all (from donor eligibility to institutions of medicine), but I guess I also believe that in this particular instance, boycotting and/or abandoning the institution isn't a viable option. People still need blood, and it can still only be procured from other people...maybe the ultimate human gift?