Drunk Dialing
Oh, the stories we could tell about drunk dialing!
You know, when you’re at that buzzed/happily intoxicated state of inebriation where life feels good, and it’s not enough to share the joy you’re feeling with those around you, and so you feel compelled to reach out and call someone.
Now, in my experience, it seems a very particular set of folks that find themselves on the other end of that call (or text, these days)...spouses, partners, and crushes.
Crushing...ahh, now those were the days, when I was young enough “to crush” on someone. LOL, who am I kidding, I still crush on people! In my younger days, though, it was perfectly acceptable to be absolutely silly about crushes. It’s too bad that acceptable levels of silliness seem to be inversely related to age, and the older we get, the less silly we’re supposed to be. No wonder Peter Pan never wanted to grow up!
I think I’ve been too serious lately, so I’m glad that I got drunk dialed last night and was encouraged to participate in a little silliness. That’s the benefit, after all, of being the one who gets drunk dialed—you get to tease, play with, and poke gentle fun at your dialer. :)
Really, though, it’s amazing how far a little silliness and laughter can go. (I’m reminded here of the premise of the movie Patch Adams.) I even took the night’s silliness with me into work today, and it definitely made a big difference. I’ll have to try and remember not to be such a stiff more often—although, I have struggled before with my lack of a sense of humor!
I know it’s in there, somewhere! Come out, come out, wherever you are!
(I think it’s finally feeling like summer to me, and time to let my hair down…so maybe I’ll celebrate by waiting to write my more serious posts until tomorrow, and hit the pool instead! I don’t know how people deal with Seasonal Affective Disorder; I certainly find it hard enough here in DC, and its not nearly as bad here as in other places—one reason I definitely miss living in So. Cal.)